Welcome to Facebook

Facebook background

For the second lab in this course, we had to customize our own CV. To refer to my CV, click below.

Lab 2

For the third lab in this course, we explored how to add images to webpages and the characteristics of the three different types of images in HTML5. To gain information on these types and view my lab, click below.

Lab 3

For the fourth lab in this course, we practiced styling home pages and using CSS to do so. To see my home page and how I used CSS, click below.

Lab 4

For the fifth lab in this course, we practiced making tables and buttons by linking our previous labs to this webpage. To view the table I created and my buttons, click below.

Lab 5

For the sixth lab in this course, we practiced creating a two column floating layout, and we integrated the content of lab 5 in this page. To view this lab, click below.

Lab 6

For the seventh lab in this course,we learnt how to create transformations and transitions. To see my three transformations, click below.

Lab 7

For the eigth lab in this course, we practiced creating different forms. These included the textbox, password field, multi-line textbox, checkboxes, radio buttons and drop-down lists. To view my forms, click below.

Lab 8